Our Programs
The senior population in Medina County continues to rise, with over 16% of the population living at an income constrained level, requiring assistance with everyday needs. Monthly deliveries of meat, fresh produce, shelf-stable food and dairy products are distributed to residents in subsidized housing facilities across Medina County.
If you would like to enroll in this program and live in one of the housing facilities listed please contact your facilities on-site coordinator.
Children enrolled in the National Free and Reduced Lunch Program may not have a secure source of food at home over the weekend. Bags of food consisting of three meals and breakfast items go home weekly with students who attend every elementary, Head Start, and MCBDD across Medina County. The goal is to have these children show up Monday morning hungry for learning, not for food.
If you would like to enroll your child in the Weekender for Children Program please contact your child’s school and request to receive a bag. This program is open to ANY family who is in need of support.
Feeding Medina County offers an Emergency Walk-In Pantry during the hours of 9am – 2pm, most weekdays. You MUST call for an appointment.
Please contact us at 330-421-4816.
If you are unable to come in person an assigned person can pick up for you. Please complete the electronic proxy form, located in the green box (under Food Distribution ) before coming in.
Through a partnership with Akron Canton Food Bank and a grant from Door Dash, Feeding Medina County is now offering grocery delivery services for those who are homebound due to age or health reasons.
To learn more and sign up for the program please contact our office at 330-421-4816.